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About the magnet collectors

The world on a magnetic board

Magnet collector? Who is that? I'm Nina, mother of 4 children and happily married to Martin. After graduating from high school, I did an apprenticeship as a hotel manager, worked in the hotel industry for a long time, then switched to the cultural sector and am in the final stages of my distance learning tourism course. Traveling - sometimes with, sometimes without children -  is our absolute passion. Our goal is to see as much of the world as possible, to show our children foreign cultures and to constantly broaden our horizons. I am responsible for the routes and the program. Martin is the culinary expert. At some point we started taking a magnet with us from every place we visit. The search for the perfect magnet has now become a loved ritual. That´s how since 2018 an impressive collection of magnets has been created. On this blog we want to take you along on our crazy journeys. Let's explore the big and small wonders of this world together. Pack your bags and hit the road!

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